Target advertising
Have you ever been shopping online and after you exit that website ads start popping up that showcase products you just looked at? This is called target advertising. I only learned about this technique recently. This is a way for advertisers to get your attention so you can buy their products. Advertising companies are now gearing towards individual people because they are using what you looked at recently to attract your attention. This is crazy to think about because they are learning more about us and are now trying to use what they already know about us to get us to buy their product. When i used to see ads of products that i already looked at I did not know that they were targeting ads and I just thought that it was a weird coincidence, but now i know that these companies are using my history to cater towards me. I am sure that websites aren't the only ones trying to figure us out, social media and other sites like YouTube use the same technique. Its weird to think that these huge companies that are worth millions even billions of dollars are aiming towards individual people the way they use our background and history to determine what ads to display to us next. Social media uses our likes and dislikes to determine what kind of posts to show us and what people to recommend to us to follow. YouTube looks at the types of videos we watch and use this to determine what videos we might like. Although companies use this technique it may have a different affect on some people more than others. If everyone is seeing ads that are aimed towards them than those people may form a different perception on that company from each other. What this may end up doing is taking away from what the company is, people may have a different perception than what the company wants you to have of them.
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