Teenage Anxiety

Because today's world is so focused on things in media and people trying to keep up with it, more and more people have been facing anxiety. Teenagers are one who suffer from this the most. Anxiety was not the only thing that was brought up in Courtney Hutchison's article titled, "Today's Teens More Anxious, Depressed and Paranoid Than Ever". The article brought up a number illnesses that teens are facing more and more in today's world. Although this article was written in 2009, many of these issues are still very present today or perhaps maybe even worse than they were in 2009. One of the main causes of these issues that i can think of is the media. How many times do we see people go on their phones to check their social media or to reply to someone? Media has become the center focus in a lot of peoples' lives. Media does not get 100 percent of the blame as i am sure there are other factors that play a role in this ongoing issue like work, school, and stress. I can think of plenty of things to become stressed about.

It is crazy to think about how so many people may suffer from some of these illnesses because of the media. Since media has become such a huge thing in the past few years more and more people are focusing too much on it and are becoming anxious and stressed because of this. People have been suffering from stress and anxiety for decades upon decades, today anxiety comes through media and online interaction. Every generation has suffered from these things, our generation is no different. The only difference is that the stress and anxiety affected us through a different form and this form has more people hooked on it because of its growing relevance in today's world. That form is called media.

Because we are more stressed and anxious, we form limitations and expectations on ourselves that prevent us from fully enjoying our lives as we are always pointing out the negatives and only focus on how to fix them.


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