Reflection of Missrepresentaion

The film "Missrepresentation" opened my eyes to a huge issue that has been looked over by everyone. I am now starting to notice this in today's advertising. I am a big NBA fan and i have noticed that the NBA spends far more time and money advertising for men's basketball rather than the WNBA. The NBA is not the only ones to do this as this is the same for most sports. This is just one of the ways that shows how women are viewed the same as men when it comes to media and advertising. I think that we as a society need to regulate more on the media's portrayal of women because not enough is being done to help stop this negative portrayal of women. A lot of shows nowadays have a male as the main character and a women as a piece to attract people to the show. Imagine the impact this can have on young girls who see this, they are going to start living by society's rules rather than being happy with who they are as an individual. I think that young girls need role mo...